Did you think that little snafu would stop me? No, siree, Missy. We're going with Plan B. There's no stopping this fun-filled extravaganza.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
The 12 Favorite Bloggers Christmas Edition of the Education Buzz--Life's a Carnival
Did you think that little snafu would stop me? No, siree, Missy. We're going with Plan B. There's no stopping this fun-filled extravaganza.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Fitness Challenge Update
To read it, you can click on the article name or the scale above, or you can go over to my fitness blog and read it there.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
A Teacher's Twelve Days of Christmas
Twelve Days of Christmas for Teachers
one more required state exam
Monday, December 5, 2011
Hold Your Horses, Missy! Call for Carnival Submissions!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Friday Night Lights Prove To Be Budget Busters
Sunday, November 13, 2011
5 Things We Wish We Didn't Have To Whine About
Is Anyone Really Out There?
It's officially Week 12 of the "I'm-Frying-In-My-Own-Fat" Weight Loss Challenge. My latest post appeared was first published as Week 12 Update–There Ain't No Cheese With This Whine on Technorati.
To read it, you can click on the article name or the scale above, or you can go over to my fitness blog and read it there.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
The Smorgasbord Edition of the Education Buzz Life's A Carnival

As always…
–Snow Patrol
And, if I did, my apologies.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Updates & Upcoming Carnival
To read it, you can click on the article name or the scale above, or you can go over to my fitness blog and read it there.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
In the Pursuit of Happiness

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The World Series Edition of the Education Buzz--Life's a Carnival
As always…
–Snow Patrol
And, if I did, my apologies.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Week 10 Frying In My Own Fat Weight Loss Challenge Update and Upcoming Education Buzz--Life's a Carnival
For those of you who are keeping up with my "I'm-Frying-In-My-Own-Fat" Weight Loss Challenge, my latest post appeared on technorati as Week 10–Small weight loss bolstered by other breakthroughs.
To read it, you can click on the article name or the scale above, or you can go over to my fitness blog and read it there.
Also, in case you were wondering why I haven't yet posted something new this week here, well, I've been busy getting the Education Buzz–Life's a Carnival ready. The Carnival will appear here tomorrow (Wednesday, Oct. 26) so make sure you check back here for that.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Confessions, Smart Phones & Bullies
Confession time.
Once again I find myself on the outside looking in.
At 54 years old, you would think that sort of thing wouldn't bother me anymore. After all, I managed to chart a pretty good course through 75 percent of my life span undeterred and undaunted by my quirkiness and without an overriding need to fit in.
Except this time, I think I would rather like to. You know, fit in.
You see, I am the only one in my family and circle of friends without a smart phone.
I must admit there's some serious pangs of longing going on here. At first, I just thought those pangs were from that stupid "I'm Frying In My Own Fat" Weight Loss Challenge, and I needed to visit my emergency chocolate drawer. But after further introspection, I realized it was that darn tootin' phone.
Even my technologically challenged hubby has an android. He's always telling me how blazing fast the thing is, and how he has this app and that app.
Apps? My phone is too dumb for apps.
Oh, and I'd love to see what those QR codes can do, but again, my phone is too dumb for that.
Sadly, it will be June before my phone carrier, Sprint, allows me the requisite $150 rebate so I can afford a smart phone. That delay might have something to do with that unfortunate time my dumb phone leapt from my hand and scuttled willynilly onto the concrete garage floor and then randomly started to turn itself off and on.
Still, you would think Sprint would take some pity on me and let me blend in and join the smart ones.
Hails bails, I feel like the last kid to be picked in gym class for dodge ball.
I think this borders on bullying. I'd report it, but my phone's too slow.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The Occupy Anything Edition of the Education Buzz--Life's a Carnival

As always…
–Snow Patrol
And, if I did, my apologies.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Week 8 Frying In My Own Fat Weight Loss Challenge Update
To read it, you can click on the article name or the scale above or you can go over to my fitness blog and read it there.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Surviving Newspaper Deadline, Keeping Promises and Bootlegging
In the world of amazing things, let's toss last week in there.
The fact that somehow the journalism gods smiled and the school newspaper went to press (minus all the things that will get you fired) and without the arrest of a certain crazy adviser (that would be me) who was nanoseconds from setting her hair on fire, smacking the children upside their little pointy heads and driving off into the sunset in true Thelma and Louise fashion.
Yep, it was that kind of deadline. Now, I get to concentrate on all things yearbook. Oh, joy. And finalize my six weeks grades. Oh, more joy. And update Blackboard. Oh, geewillikers, more joy.
So instead of re-hashing, re-living and re-igniting those set-your-hair-on-fire-moments of last week, I thought I would honor some commitments I made before school started. I promised Karen Blumenthal, a former Dallas Morning News coworker, former Wall Street Journal editor and Dallas journalist, that I would read her two new books and provide a little review (which I would have done earlier but that pesky newspaper deadline got in the way).
Of course, I read the Bootleg one first, and now her book is particularly timely since PBS just started airing a documentary on prohibition. With only 127 pages and filled with all sorts of interesting photographs, this book provides a quick, interesting and informative read for all age groups. I actually learned all sorts of things that became fodder for dinner conversation. Stuff about Morris Sheppard, Al Capone and Henry Ford among others. I never knew that one of the founders of NASCAR racing had his beginnings in bootleg running.
Yep, all kinds of interesting stuff.

Probably the best compliment I can give any book is when that book gets you to look at something from a different perspective, and this book did exactly that. I can't walk into a Walmart now without looking at the store and its founder in a different light.
I highly recommend both books and encourage school libraries to get these two titles on their shelves speedy quick. And, if you don't already have Blumenthal's Six Days in October: The Stock Market Crash of 1929, well shame, shame, shame. That, too, is a great book–informative and easy to understand even for those of us who struggle with understanding financial matters.
You know, people like me.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Frying In My Own Fat Weight Loss Challenge Update
To read it, you can click on the article name or the scale above or you can go over to my fitness blog and read it there.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Bare Bones Basic Edition of the Education Buzz–Life's a Carnival
So here are some interesting posts, that were buzzing about the EduSphere…
- Seventh grade reading and writing skills is all you need to enroll in community college in Arizona. Yep, you heard that
writeright. Check out education guru Joanne Jacobs' post.
- While ICE.Teacher wanders and wonders about on Walking Wednesdays with her third graders, perhaps the rest of us should join her in pondering, "What if…"
- J.M. Holland over at Emergent Learner talks about the importance of having foster grandparents in the classroom.
- Jane Goodwin over at Scheiss Weekly weighs in on how to tell good parents from bad parents.
- If you're a chemistry teacher (or even if you're not), check out the latest explosive post from our favorite science guy, Steve Spangler.
- Tim over at AssortedStuff has an interesting post on "Fixing the Middle Mess" (as in Middle Schools).
- Mr. Teacher over at LearnMeGood discovered that sometimes when we answer the question, we have to question the answer in "Um, that wasn't the question."
- No spam
- Must be education related
- Since the carnival may be organized around themes, not all submissions may run.
- Please remember to post and link back to the carnival.
As always…
–Snow Patrol
And, if I did, my apologies.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Gummi Bears, Pumped Up Kicks & Things That Will Get You Fired
I knew last week would have a certain tinge of craziness to it. After all, it was Homecoming Week.
Let's just say, there was more than a just a tinge of craziness. In fact, that little tinge morphed into a full-court-press-5-alarm-commit-me-to-the-nuthouse kind of crazy.
Jeepers creepers, by the end of week, the helicopter parents landed, my principal made it on YouTube, I had not one, but two things to put in "My Things That Will Get You Fired" folder and the newspaper staff couldn't meet their deadlines.
I can't tell you about those helicopters buzzing about, but I can show you this little video of our principal that circulated around school and found its way on to YouTube. For those of you, you have access, the video is embedded below…
For those of you who don't, I guess you'll have to wait until you get home. Until then, here's a brief description: Our principal roller skates around school. He took a rather nasty spill in the hallway which, of course, was captured on the school's surveillance cameras. Apparently, he says he was felled by a wayward gummi bear that was stuck on the hallway floor.
If that's true, I think I had my share of wayward gummi bears sabotaging me and apparently stealing logic, reason and sanity.
During our current events discussion in my Journalism I class, one of the kiddos brought in an article about a guy who plead guilty to trying to smuggle baby pythons and tortoise hatchings in his pants. When it came time for questions, here's how that conversation went…
Student… "How do you fit a tiny horse in your pants?"
Me… "What?"
Student… "Isn't that what she said? A tiny horse in his pants?"
The class… "Tortoise. She said, 'tortoise."
Student… "Oh, I heard tiny horse."
Me… "Oh…"I'm not sure how we can blame those gummi bears on that one.
Then, of course, let's examine Exhibit #1 and Exhibit #2 for this year's "Things That Will Get You Fired" folder.
One of the editors showed me a photograph they wanted to run in the first issue of the school newspaper. The editor particularly liked how the dominant element was framed. Great. Always love it when they use those composition elements I taught them.
Unfortunately, the frame showed not one, not two, but three shots of cheerleaders jumping up in the air at a less than flattering angle. You know the kind I'm talkin' about. The kind that brings those angry mom calls. The kind that makes you have to stand on the carpet in the principal's office. The kind that goes into the "Things That Will Get You Fired Folder."
Yep, those kind.
And as if that wasn't bad enough, I decided to check out the entertainment page and read the critiques for our first issue.
One of those critiques was over that really popular song, "Pumped Up Kicks" by Foster The People. Yes, it has a snappy, catchy beat. Yes, it comes in at No. 3 on Billboard's Top 100 for the week of Sept. 24. And yes, I even bought the song. (I'm fond of any song that contains a line about "your hair's on fire.") But…
Well, here's just a taste of the lyrics, "All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, outrun my gun. All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet."
How's that working for you?
Guns+Schools+Shootings=Things That Will Get You Fired
Do you see why this staff can't seem to meet their deadlines? I have a feeling it's going to be a long year. A very long year.
Oh yeah, in the midst of all of that, somewhere along the way, a camera turned up missing.
Missing as in no one is quite sure where it's at.
I'm hoping it will re-appear on Monday along with some sanity.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Week 5 Frying In My Own Fat Weight Loss Challenge Update
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Teacher Spirit Week
Each day this week is designated as a specific dress up day with a specific phase. Monday is Twin Day (Make 'Em See Double), Tuesday is Decade Day (Turn back the clock on the Indians), Wednesday is Super Hero Day (Show 'Em Who's Boss), Thursday is Favorite Team Jersey Day (The Warriors Can't Compete) and Friday is Panther Spirit Day (Make them see Black & Blue).
Well, all of that got me to thinking about how we could have our own little teacher dress up week complete with catchy little phrases. You don't even have to completely dress up for this. All you have to do is print out little stickers and wear them. It'll be our little secret.
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Monday…Super Star Day Sticker |
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Tuesday… Stupid Head Day |
Grab one of those stinky starfish and toss 'em back. Yep, we're saving public education one stinker at a time.
Concentrate on just one thing that pops into the bubble above your head today. Repeat it like a silent mantra, and if it won't get you fired, actually say the bubble above your head just once. I bet you'll feel better.