Wednesday, September 24, 2008

190th Carnival of Education

Woo-hoo! It’s that time of the week again and I’m not just talking about Woo-hoo Wednesday either, silly. Why, it’s carnival time as in the 190th Carnival of Education hosted this week over at at Steve Spangler’s site.

There’s lots of enlightening stuff there, so if you want to be a person in-the-know on the buzz around the EduSphere then you need to sashay on over there. My post “Mondays, Morons & Me” was included, but you don’t have to go there to read it here.

But you should go there and check out California Teacher guy’s t-shirt and this fab-u-lous new-to-me site Apostrophe Catastrophes (for all of us punctuation geeks). Of course, Mr. Teacher also had some good ideas on how to solve the Dallas ISD budget crunch. There’s more, but I’ve got to get ready for school (some of us have to work you know) so zip over to Steve’s site and see what else there is. The format (as usual) is fab-u-lous and reader friendly as well.


Anonymous said...

I love everything about Steve Spangler's blog: his attitude, his philosophies about education, his experiments, his videos, EVERYTHING. I especially love his Experiment of the Week, which gives me a free experiment, complete with instructions and video, every week.

Mister Teacher said...

Hey, congratulations on being listed on the London Times as one of the 7 best teaching blogs!!

I'm linked to it, but only in a passing remark. . . :(