Sunday, October 19, 2008

Yearbook Pages, Brains & Things

With the stock market taking more twists and turns than Judge Roy Scream, most of you probably don’t care that nary a yearbook page sits in the submission folder. (Unless, of course, your name is Rod and you’re a yearbook rep.)

In my defense, I didn’t plan it that way. In fact, by my count, at least 30 or so pages should be sitting at some printing plant in Kansas. Instead, they remain here in Texas while I sing my own rendition of the Scarecrow’s song. My version, aptly titled, “If they only had a brain…” goes something like this…

“If They Only Had A Brain…”
If they would just turn in some pages
I would not be all ragin’
castin’ about the blame
And their grades would be amazin’
and I would be all a praisin’
If they only had a brain…

You see, I put a hold on all the pages after I discovered a new way to spell quiche

As if that wasn’t bad enough (and don’t you think it ought to be?), another page stopped me quicker than a hall fight. At the top of the people section pages, the kiddos are running lists of things. (OK, admittedly, the list-thing thing should have sent up red flags), but they aren’t exactly lists. Instead, they’re pictures (which after the Quiche Incident is probably a good thing).

As I checked over the pages, one page in particular caught my eye. The one where a girl lists five things she does after school…

Picture #1…a snack. Okey-dokey

Picture #2…homework. OK. Good.

Picture #3… four guys. Uh-oh. Not Okey-dokey. Not good. A definite EEK! And, a definite throw that page speedy quick into the Things-That-Will-Get-You-Fired folder.

And, my friends, if I need to explain that thing to you, well then perhaps you need to sing your own version of “If I only had a brain…”


Anonymous said...

I can relate.

This post has made it in to the Mole Day edition of the Carnival of Education. You can see it here once the link goes live on 10/22. I thank you in advance for any plugs that you give on your site.

Clix said...

LOL! I mean - it - WHAT was she thinking?!!

I'm hoping to send in a buncha stuff on Monday.

Anonymous said...

Some hours-days-years-centuries are just like that!! Yearbooks seem to follow you where ever you go-- watch those little postscripts for coding! Look for the hidden images on those pictures as well!!!
Your former boss lady & #1 fan!!
Retired and Enjoying every minute-The

Melissa B. said...

Our first yb deadline is manana. We got everything ready after school today, but it's been pretty dicey for a few days now. We spent 5 hours on Saturday fighting with a network that kept deleting the most recent edition of files & consolidating folders that we didn't want consolidated. An editor spent 2 hours looking for a spread that was buried in the dark recesses of consolidated folders! 2 dozen donuts & several hours later, we headed home, having redesigned at least 6 spreads that we considered "sad." Don'tcha just hate "sad" spreads?

askthehomediva said...

Yikes, Melissa B… don't you hate it when your network starts acting like Hal? OMG…

Still, "sad" pages are better than no pages! Hang in there!

And to Eagle Lady, glad all is well… sure do miss you!